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Photography Quiz

Updated: Nov 2, 2020

If you don't follow me on Instagram you wouldn't of seen my challenging Photography Quiz that I posted to keep people entertained whilst in self isolation, which is probably why your here.

Before we start I would just like to thank everyone who is still working during these tough times and the incredible work that everyone who's a part of the NHS are doing.

I realise that while some people might be coping well and quite enjoying self isolation there are others that are struggling mentally with the situation. I would just like to ask everyone that is reading this to give their friends or family members a ring and if possible even a video call to check to see how they are doing.

Ive put a few links below to some websites that may be useful if you or a friend or family member are suffering from depression, anxiety or loneliness. Above all just stay home, keep safe and set yourself something to do each day.

Rethink Mental Health-

Photography Quiz

Answers at the bottom of the page [no cheating!}

1] If your shooting a photo and want to get a greater depth of field in the image, you would shoot at?

a] F2.8

b] F16

c] F7.1

d] F4

2] Resolution of an image describes?

a] Quality of an image b] Clarity of an image

c] The size of the image in pixels

d] Colour and contrast of the image

3] The ‘nifty fifty’ describes____?

a] A shutter speed technique

b] a 50 year old photographer

c] A 50mm F1.8 lens

d] The focal length best for sports

4] A professional full frame camera has greater depth of field than a crop sensor camera body?

a] True

b] False

5] Panning is a technique used to freeze the subject yet allow surrounding area to be blurred out. Choose the most appropriate shutter speed to execute this technique?

a] 1/500

b] 1/100

c] 1/30

d] Bulb Mode

6] The Kelvin scale refers to____?

a] Colour temperature

b] Colour Density

c] Colour Temperature

7] Which of these file formats is a lossless format?


b] RAW

8] ____ is the setting that describes the amount of light exposed to the lens?

a] Shutter Speed

b] Exposure

c] Aperture

d] ISO

9] The exposure triangle is the relationship between?

a] Depth of Field, ISO, Focal Length

b] Bokeh, Aperture and White Balance

c] ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed

10] Which is not a compositional theory?

a] Leading Lines

b] Rule of Odds

c] Positive Space

d] Rule of Thirds

11] Analogous Colours are colours that are _____ to each other on the colour wheel?

a] Opposite

b] Next To

12] From Greek language the word 'Photo' means light and the word 'Graphe' means drawing?

a] True

b] False

13] If your camera is set at ISO 100 how many stops of light would 1600 be up the line?

a] 4

b] 3

c] 6

d] 5

14] What is aperture measured in?

a] Spots

b] Stops

c] F Numbers

15] If a shutter speed is 1/100 what is twice as quick?

a] 2/50

b] 1/200

c] 1/50

d] 1/500


1] B

2] C

3] C

4] B

5] C

6] A

7] A

8] D

9] C

10] C

11] B

12] A

13] A

14] C

15] B


Hope you enjoyed. Message me your scores via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I would love to see how you got on. Was it too easy? What questions did you struggle with? Get in touch.

Happy Shooting! [indoors of course]

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